
NewPlaintext는 rlwe/plaintext.go에 정의되어 있는 function이다.

// NewPlaintext creates a new Plaintext at level `level` from the parameters.
func NewPlaintext(params Parameters, level int) (pt *Plaintext) {
	return &Plaintext{Value: ring.NewPoly(params.N(), level), 
      MetaData: MetaData{Scale: params.defaultScale, IsNTT: params.defaultNTTFlag}}


Plaintext는 같은 directory에 정의되어 있는 struct이다.

// Plaintext is a common base type for RLWE plaintexts.
type Plaintext struct {
	Value *ring.Poly


ring.NewPoly는 ring/poly.go에 정의되어 있는 function이다.

// NewPoly creates a new polynomial with N coefficients set to zero and Level+1 moduli.
func NewPoly(N, Level int) (pol *Poly) {
	pol = new(Poly)

	pol.Buff = make([]uint64, N*(Level+1))
	pol.Coeffs = make([][]uint64, Level+1)
	for i := 0; i < Level+1; i++ {
		pol.Coeffs[i] = pol.Buff[i*N : (i+1)*N]



Poly는 ring/poly.go에 정의되어 있는 struct이다.

// Poly is the structure that contains the coefficients of a polynomial.
type Poly struct {
	Coeffs [][]uint64 // Dimension-2 slice of coefficients (re-slice of Buff)
	Buff   []uint64   // Dimension-1 slice of coefficient


MetaData는 rlwe/metadata.go에 정의되어 있는 struct이다.

// MetaData is a struct storing metadata.
type MetaData struct {
	IsNTT        bool
	IsMontgomery bool


Scale은 rlwe/scale.go에 정의되어 있는 struct이다.

// Scale is a struct used to track the scaling factor
// of Plaintext and Ciphertext structs.
// The scale is managed as an 128-bit precision real and can
// be either a floating point value or a mod T
// prime integer, which is determined at instantiation.
type Scale struct {
	Value big.Float
	Mod   *big.Int